Friday 2 November 2012

Dawn of the Deputies

“Production is a thankless job,” says Kaptaan. When things go right, nobody thinks of the production guys. But when even a tiny thing goes wrong, they’re always the ones to blame.

Production people are unsung heroes. They work through shit to build you the stuff of dreams but the dreamers get all the credit.

Well, not on my watch.

The deputies are the first line of defence, and the first line of attack. They are foot-soldiers dedicated to the cause. They are the banner-men of Team Ragasthan.

A few days ago, three more have added to the ranks from Mumbai.

Deputy D aka Bhurut-Mata: Kaptaan says that the boys still step into the shade for a quick break sometimes. She hasn’t. Not once. Not even on the day she was fasting.

Deputy S: Landed straight in the thick of it. Thorns, that is. He’s been directing the tractors over them every which way. I’ve yet to see him without the most beatific smile on his face.

Deputy N: Rides the only tractor on the field without a roof. All day. He sits with the driver and goes over the entire site with a hawk eye, removing any trace of unwanted stubble.

Sun? No problem. We'll mow it down.

As for the others,

Deputy H is back from Delhi via Pushkar. He has sorted out the entire journey for the Ragasthan Caravan from Delhi. He got back at five yesterday morning after three days without sleep. And he headed straight for the site.

Deputy R has his serious face on. It’s probably because of the thorns in his shoes. Maybe also because when others break for lunch or dinner, he still has mails to send, calls to make and altogether too much information to keep track of.

Deputy V has turned several shades redder. He still carries the bag with all the water bottles. But he’s got much more on his shoulders than just that bag. By the end of the day, the poor guy is sweating and panting. And he’s still always the first on the ball.

Each is worthy of applause.

Hats off, deputies.

...Now let's put our hats back on. It’s hot out there.

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