Thursday, 8 November 2012

Switching teams

Back wasn’t anywhere close to a shade. He wasn’t even writing.
I got it all wrong.

The man was in the field, helping Sheriff and the deputies mark pathways with chalk. He was really purposeful about it too. He was so engrossed in the job that he almost drank chalk from a bottle thinking it was water.

That was probably around noon. The sun must have been at its meanest.

Between then and now, the guys have stopped only for lunch. It’s almost seven now. They are marking certain spots on the pathway with bamboo poles four times my size. Back is still out there. He is really forcing the issue. The dude has eight bamboo poles on his aging shoulders. Everyone else has two at best.

I wonder if he has switched teams.


  1. Back is doing physical labour? REALLY? Look back to posts of even a week ago, when he watched and watched in 'silent dismay' and wonder!

  2. Maybe I wouldn't have to switch teams if you didn't disappear with the camera the entire day, leaving me with nothing to post.

  3. He put his Back into it. :D
